Friday, September 4, 2009


On Tuesday 1st of September, the Glenbrae senior school students visited M.O.T.A.T. ( Museum of Transport and Technology) as part of our study about toys and how technology has affected them.
We spent time in the classroom with Cass (an expert teacher at M.O.T.A.T.) who was able to give us lots of new information and answer our questions.
There were many types of toys , mostly older, for us to observe and handle. It was pretty mind blowing to realise that the oldest toys - some that we recognise even today, such as the yo-yo and the doll - have been around since Roman times.
As you can see from the video clip, some very clever, patient person created this huge model of a ferris wheel out of K'nex construction pieces. They even put a motor in it so it would revolve. Astounding really! Although we weren't allowed to touch it, we were able to have an in depth look at it and discover how it was able to revolve.
Keep your eye on the blog for our recounts of this experience and the learning that will come out of it. We are formulating our thinking questions and gathering the information we need to make a presentation to share with you all.
Thank you for reading this post.
Room 7


Miss Elia said...

Hi Room 7
I'm so glad you learned a lot on your MOTAT trip.
I had no idea the yo yo was around in Roman times!
I am really looking forward to reading your recounts about the trip, and to finding out the questions you plan to investigate.

Unknown said...

I can see that you had an amazing experience Room 7 and I am looking forward to reading your recounts and seeing your presentations.
Mrs Burt