Friday, March 9, 2012

Roots of Empathy at Glenbrae School

Hi everyone,
Room 10 is very lucky because we are part of the Roots of Empathy programme. This programme was begun in Canada and is now in many countries around the world. It's purpose is to teach children how to be empathetic to others.

"Empathy is the ability to identify with another person's feelings. The ability to see and feel things as others see and feel them is central to successful social relationships in all stages of life. Children learn to care for one another, their world and their future."

Our tutor is Ally Fulcher (pictured)and she spent 40 minutes with us last Wednesday explaining the programme to us.
We are looking forward to meeting 'our baby' who will visit us with her/his mother nine times this year. Ally will come every Wednesday at 11.30 am to continue the programme with us. We will keep you posted as we go along. Look for reports in the Glenbrae School newsletter as well.

Ka kite ano.
Room 10.


Plessius family said...

Kia ora Room 10,
I hope you enjoy the Roots of Empathy sessions. I know that the students from Room 9 last year really enjoyed "their baby" coming in and seeing him grow and develop. I look forward to hearing about your learning over the course of the year.
Tsana (Karl & Robin's mum)

Voni said...

Kia ora room10 I hope you have a wonderful time

Anonymous said...

Hi room 10,
I think that you all are lucky that you have an expert to help you learn about newborns this year.Now that I have read this piece of information,I would like to read more.I think that I would like to be there learning about newborns too.

Danielle said...

Hi Room 10
I thought that you are very smart to use all those different vocabulary's but there was one word the I didn't know. It was empathetic. Could you tell us what that word meant it would really help? When I was younger I experienced this I was 9 when I did Roots of Empathy. It was very life changing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 10 I really liked your blog about newborns plus you are the only class I know that get to learn Roots Of Empathy.You all are very lucky to be learning this.Since I read your blog I would really like to read more.