Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Planting Jacaranda Trees

Click this link to see what our jacaranda trees will look like after they mature


Miss Elia said...

Hi Room 10
I loved looking at the photos of you all helping to plant the lovely jacaranda trees that Mrs Rao donated to Glenbrae School.
You did a great job, and it looks as though you and Mrs Cooper had a lot of fun, too.
I am looking forward to watching these trees grow over the years. I wonder how long it will be before we see them covered with lovely mauve flowers.

Laite said...

hi room ten I really want to plant that lovely jacaranda tree at my house

John said...

Hi room10 i want that jacaranda tree in side my house

Plessius family said...

Hi Room 10,
What a lovely gift from Mrs Rao, one that will grow and give joy to lots of other students (and teachers) at school.
What a great job you all did. Have you seen pictures of what they will look like when they are bigger?
Tsana (Karl & Robin's mum)

Anonymous said...

Hi room ten I liked that video what you guys did when we went swimming.I wish that my family had are jacaranda tree so I can plant it in my backyard

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Room 10 I have been reading you slid show it was really amazing.

Anonymous said...

I like plating trees because I like using the shavoul