Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lisiate Swimming

Hello Everyone,
I am Lisiate and I'm in Year 6 at Glenbrae School. I have been working hard to improve my swimming and breathing. I can swim the whole length without stopping. How do you think I am doing?


Anonymous said...

Wow"that's was a good improvement my friend,I wish you keep it up.

From your
your best
friend Christian.

Christian said...

Wow!that was a good improvement in your swimming lesson my friend Lisiate.I hope your parents will be proud of you.

From your best
friend Christian

Douglas said...

Hi Lisiate! I think you a the best swimmer in Glenbrae School.I wish I will be a good swimmer like you.

Post from your
best friend

apii said...

Dear Lisiate I like your swimming you swam the whole pool I liked watching it keep it up then when you grow up you will be the best swimmer

post by

Jerome Graydon said...

Hello Lisiate you have in proved in your swimming you can swim the whole pool I hope you become a very wonderful swimmer and hopefully I see you on TV one day and you make lots of money$

Nathaniel said...

Hi! Lisiate did you have fun in the pool?

Jerome Graydon said...

Hi Lisiate.
You are one of the best swimmers I've ever seen do you think you could teach me some swimming lessons?.

James m said...

Hi lisiate.
Your swimmeing was gret lisiate you was cool.

Gemima Apelu said...

WOW! Lisiate you are really good at swimming.I wish I was a great swimmer just like you.
Well done Lisiate.

Anonymous said...

Wow Lisiate

I am poud to see how you have being siwmming at a wonderful school.

Your a very good boy I wish I was a good siwmer like you.

Anonymous said...

Hello Lisiate

Can you teach me how to siwm like you.

You might be the best in the hole school.