Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hello again Everyone,
We are so lucky at Glenbrae School because we have our own pool. Mrs Cooper, our caretaker, looks after it carefully so we can learn to swim and have fun in this hot weather.
We have so much fun swimming at lunchtimes. We take it in turns. Today was the girls turn and we had a handstand competition.


Sallyanne said...

You look like you are having a great time! Isn't swimming fun. It's really important to learn to be a good swimmer so you can stay safe in the water. :)

Miss G said...

Wow, you guys are so lucky to have your own pool. I must admit when I have to come to your school the last couple of weeks I have just wanted to jump into your pool as it has been so hot!
Thanks for sharing your lunchtime fun girls.

Miss Gleeson

siupeli said...

Hi Tamee did you have a nice day in the pool?

anamanu said...

WOW room7 I loved the video ,I wish I could of been there to swim with you all guys . I was so happy and you maybe so lucky that yous all swam after school.


Gabriel said...

Hi Gemima,Joan,Eseki,Hannah and Tamee I think yous had a great day swimming in the pool I wish I was a girl so I can go swimming goodbye

Anonymous said...

Hi Joan

wow! good hand stands you should be in a competition.

Unknown said...

Hi girls did yous have lots of fun in the pool? it was a hot day.


Hannah said...

Room seven girls had a lovely time swimming on lunch.I wish I had a lovely pool.
Have fun.

Christian said...

Hi girls! I like how you to cutwheel in the swimming pools and diving under the swimming pools. I hope you have a great time.

Post from

Nathaniel said...

Hi! girls did you all have fun at the pool?

Deandra said...

Hey Edwina,Eseki,Gemima,Hannah,Joan and
Tame'e I enjoyed your video yous have made.

Tauola said...

Hey Hannah I liked your story because it sounded like fun. I
enjoyed your video.

Tauola said...

Hey Hannah I liked your story because it sounded like fun. I
enjoyed your video.