Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Museum Trip

Room ten was at the museum. One of the places we visited was the volcano room. In the volcano room there were some kind of different rocks that come out of a volcano. I tried to lift one rock up out of 3. I was trying really hard but it was really heavy. When I lifted the rock up I was sweating. Next, I wrote down facts about a volcano. This is one of the facts: Volcanologists might also use breathing equipment.
Before we started doing those things we went into the volcano house. It showed the news and it showed the ash pouring out of the volcano. Next room ten went out of the volcano house and went to Maori Natural History gallery.


Mrs Mac said...

Hi Bono,
Glad you enjoyed your adventure to the Museum. It's a great place to go, isn't it? I can just see you straining to lift the biggest haven't changed a bit!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow that sounds scary well done i think you've had a great andf scary time at the volcano room well done again keep it up.

james said...

Hi bono I liked readying your
story and not readying your story
I saw your puture