Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Name Stories

Hi everyone,
We have been learning how to make movies with Mr Munnick. We have practised speaking clearly, looking at the camera as well as the tekkie stuff like inserting music, adding and deleting clips and using effects. This is our first published movie. We hope you enjoy it.
Keti, Brandon and Bono.


Miss Elia said...

Hi Keti, Brandon and Bono
I loved watching your video and learning about your very interesting names.
I was impressed with how clearly you spoke, and also with the technical aspects you have learned.

Laite said...

hi keti, bono,brandon I love your clear voices and I enjoyed watching your names story movie

Tauola said...

Hey Brandon you had a clear voice.Brandon you were named after Bruce lee's brother cool.You could teach karate.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Keti I loved the meaning of your name. I learnt a lot about what your name means and why your granddad named you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Keti,Brndon and Bono.I think that all the meanings of your names are beautiful plus I think that you all spoke clearly so that I could hear you.Well Done!.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bono
I think you could be my boss when I am older.