Dear G
I am writing to say thank you for letting us come to the fire station.We appreciate it very much.
I learned that you should never try to put out an oil fire with water. If you do, you will get burnt and most probably die.
Your Sincerely
Pene (Year 6)
Dear George,
I am writing to say thanks for having us at the fire station. We had fun.
I learnt don't put water in burning oil because everything will burn.
Yours Sincerely
Joshua (Year 6
Thank you so much for spending such a wonderful time with us!! I bet not all schools see as much as we did.
The greatest thing that I learnt was that you must LOOK WHEN YOU COOK!
We all learnt heaps. It was an extraordinary trip.
Once again, thank-you very much.
You're that BEST!
Yours Sincerely
Davinia ( year 5)
I am thankful for the goodies and for you having us at the station.
I will remind my parents of everything you taught us.
Yours Sincerely
Oshyne (Year 5)
Hi, my name is Sariah and I would like to thank you for having Glenbrae at the fire station.
At the time you showed us the kitchen fire experiment, I was so amazed that just by putting water on an oil fire could really make it so much bigger.
Once again, a huge thank you for making time for Glenbrae School to come and visit.
Yours Sincerely
Sariah (Year 6)
Dear George,
I am writing to say thank you for giving the Glenbrae School students a tour of the fire station.
We all learnt to never pour water on a fire but an adult could block the fire with wood, plastic or a wet cloth.
Myo Htat (Year 6)