In New Zealand there are two lizard species - Geckos and Skinks. They have adapted to cold weather. Geckos and Skinks bask in the sun to get warm so they can catch their prey.
Geckos have broad feet with microscopic hairs that help them climb up walls and trees. Skinks can drop their tails off so they can get away from their predators. Their tails then regrow (and they can drop off again). Geckos have soft velvety skin. The gecko’s skin sloughs off in large pieces. Skinks skin comes off in small pieces. Geckos clean their eyes with their tongue. Skinks don’t need to clean their eyes because they have moveable eye lids.
Skinks and geckos eat insects and smaller animals. Their favourite food is insects and spiders. They eat berries and fruit as part of their diet. Geckos and skinks are omnivores.
Skinks fight each other over sites to bask in. Skinks bask in the sun. Skinks and geckos live in small burrows, but geckos also live under strips of bark off trees.
Some species of Geckos and skinks are found in New Zealand. They might become endangered because there are not many of them in this country, due to the number of predators that have been introduced. Their predators are rats, cats, dogs, mice, stoats, Tuatara and ferrets.
These two reptiles are special to New Zealand. We need to help protect them from predators. We can help stop predators by clearing forests and bushes of their enemies.
By Kitione T
Hi Kitione, This is a great piece of writing you have shared on the blog. I had no idea how you tell the difference between a skink and a gecko until I read this. I now suspect that I have incorrectly been calling some skinks 'geckos' for years. I will have to be more careful :)
Mrs Burt
Hi Kitione, I love your information about Gekoes and Skink.I love your poster and its colourful.
Well done by maiolo and manase
Kia ora, Kitione
What an excellent report! It is very interesting the way you have compared skinks and geckos, and I am impressed with the specific vocabulary you have used such as 'bask' and 'slough'.
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