Hi Everyone,
I hope you enjoy my retell of this famous Maori legend called Maui and the Sun.
One day I woke up early and it was still dark but the sun hadn't risen yet . I'm feeling so excited . Today is a wonderful day to go fishing with my brothers . Maybe I'll tell my brothers .
"Hey guys today is a wonderful day to fishing" .
"No! Last time YOU TURNED YOURSELF INTO A HAWK" replied my first brother .
"Yeah Last time is was a real problem" replied my other brother .
"Ok I won't do that again".
"Ok Let's give him a chance but don't do anything stupid" .
"I promise ", I said cheerfully .
At last we're finally in a waka and we just tried to lower the fishing net into the sea .
"I have a plan let's teach that lazy sun a lesson" .
"But your plans never work" .
"Do you guys have a plan?" .
"Ok it all yours" .
"Here it goes again" .
"Ok here's the plan. We're gonna build a flax net over the Eastern Mountain and then when the sun comes up I'll teach that lazy sun a lesson he'll never forget with granny's jawbone" .
"Guys we have no time for mucking around" .
"Come on you guys, we're going to get the enormous ropes before the sun comes up" I shouted to my brothers . "As soon the lazy sun comes up from behind the Eastern Mountains, we'll
waiting with our flax ropes " .
"Why are you hitting me for? What did I do?!" screamed the lazy sun" .
"You're going to be slowly going across the sky lazy sun," I screamed back.
"Ok I promise I"ll slow down. I'll do anything you say aif you'll just stop hitting me," promised the sun .
"Boys let him go ," I command my brothers" .
"But remember sun! Don't forget " .
"What a wonderful hot day" .
"Hey Maui that was a brilliant plan you came up with ," said my brother .
"I thought your plan would never work ".
"By the way It was nothing ," I said cheerfully .
"Hey guys I think I've got the most HUMUGNGOUS fish I've ever seen in my whole life " .
At least the sun goes slowly now .