Monday, November 22, 2010

E Honore

Hi Everyone,
Today we were representing Glenbrae School at a kid's peace conference at the Aotea Centre. At lunchtime, they had a concert and anyone who wanted to, could do an item. We sang E Honore. See the next post for more photos and information on our awesome day.
Lisiate, Tame'e. Chris and Joan


Glenbrae Room 7 said...

Well done all of you. I was proud to be your teacher. You worked very hard and contributed some great ideas.
Plus you are very good singers. :-)
Mrs B

Unknown said...

Wow Room 7!! I felt proud to know you just watching the video. You are very talented singers. I have some lovely footage on my laptop of the singers who entertained at the Home School Partnership I attended.
Glenbrae School has got TALENT! Perhaps that shoudl be your film festival movie next year?

I look forward to hearing more about the Peace conference when you have time.

Mrs Burt

Miss Elia said...

Well done Lisiate,Tame'e, Chris and Joan
I feel very proud of you standing up and singing so confidently in front of everyone at the conference. I can't wait to hear more about what you learned at the conference. I know the conference will have given you lots of ideas for our studies next year. Thank you for representing our school so well.

Apii and kato said...

Well Chris Joan lisiate and Tamee it was good